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Give a hearty welcome to Finnick the Fox! The first pattern in the Woodland Amigurumi Collection!
Man, this is going to be a blast! After finishing the Under the Sea eBook, and the awesome response to it, I’ve decided to keep writing these cutesy pattern books for y’all!
The next book is going to be the Woodland Amigurumi eBook !
Sorry, don’t have a cover made up yet, but I’ll get there soon, I promise!
We are going to be kicking off the pattern lineup with Finnick the Fox!
As sneaky as the rest of his kind, Finnick the Fox is a mischievous little bugger!
He’s always got his paws in something that doesn’t belong to him, but you can’t really blame him for it, he is a fox, after all!
Thankfully, he does manage to curb his appetite around his friends, though Brook sometimes introduces herself as a snack in his daydreams…
He perseveres though, cause Ruben would smash him flat if he so much as touched Brook!
Woodland Amigurumi eBook
About the new Woodland Amigurumi Collection:
So, the thing about designing amigurumi is that shaping is VERY hard to do! You need a ton of practice to make anything look good! Not to mention the hours of frogging needed to make a single design…
So at the suggestion of some friends, I have decided that for my next three books all the amigurumi patterns in them will be based on the Squishimo!
I mean, why not? The Squishimo base is very simple, it looks good made into about anything, and people LOVE them!
So, like Finnick, the other five patterns in this first book will look very similar to a gigantic Squishimo. This also is going to make the instructions in the book much easier to read!
The Basis for the Woodland Amigurumi eBook style:
Have you ever seen Dedri Uys’ book Amamani Puzzle Balls? If not, I strongly recommend it!
They are adorable and extremely ingenious! They come apart into three pieces, hence the Puzzle bit in the name, and are all made on the same base; the Amish Puzzle Ball.
Because most Amish Puzzle Balls were sewn, not crocheted, Ms. Dedri had to design them from scratch. But once she did, it then gave her a base to work with to create many beautiful animal puzzles and some others like her Flower Puzzle Ball and Mini Amish Puzzle Ball!
(I’ve actually made all of them… lol. As well as designed a couple of my own amamani! They actually are really awesome made in Bernat Blanket Yarn… XD )
Click any of the links above to learn more!
Anyway, I’ve decided to follow her example and write my next books in the same format as her book!
She started with the basic piece instructions at the beginning of the book, and then each pattern is the details and features unique to each animal. This made it so she didn’t need to repeat the basic instructions with each Amamani variation, just what was different for each one!
It doesn’t diminish the quality of the patterns at all, rather it makes them easier to read and follow!
I hope you are excited about these new patterns coming out as I am! Here’s some photos of the next two releases!

If you would like to purchase the pattern for Finnick, click the button below!
Thanks, and see you next week for the release of Brook!